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Fallout New Vegas Scorpion Gulch

Fallout New Vegas Scorpion Gulch

Go to initiate stanton who is in the nearby classroom who will mention he dropped the pistol in the nearby 'gulch' which happens to be full of scorptions 4. Fast travel to scorpion gulch and you will land right next to a rock 5. THAT rock has the pistol perched on top of it. Note: be careful when spawning into scorpion gulch. Fallout new vegas question? Ask him all the questions available in the dialogue box. After that get out of the bunker and fast travel to scorpion gulch. When you reach there be prepared you will be a swamped with rad scorpions. In my opinion new vegas is worth a go but fallout 3 is a lot more fun to play, my fella went. If you enjoyed watching this video, please leave a like and subscribe! I would very much appreciate it!

  1. Torres Pistols
  2. Fallout New Vegas Scorpion Gulch Laser Pistol

The vault doesn't mention anything about their health or DT. When I say best guns, I mean literally guns because that's what my character is specialized in.My first play-through I found my Assault Carbine to be useless, even with Armor Piercing rounds which is -25 DT effect for 5mm. Although my memory may be foggy since it was a while ago, maybe the armor piercing rounds did a good job but I didn't have that many or they performed poorly, I can't remember clearly.My Survivalist rifle was decent against them, but still struggled to make a dent. I'm contemplating taking the.45 machinegun this time but I'm not sure how it will fair.Posts: 3325 Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:20 am. The vault doesn't mention anything about their health or DT.

When I say best guns, I mean literally guns because that's what my character is specialized in.My first play-through I found my Assault Carbine to be useless, even with Armor Piercing rounds which is -25 DT effect for 5mm. Although my memory may be foggy since it was a while ago, maybe the armor piercing rounds did a good job but I didn't have that many or they performed poorly, I can't remember clearly.My Survivalist rifle was decent against them, but still struggled to make a dent. I'm contemplating taking the.45 machinegun this time but I'm not sure how it will fair.3604 Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:39 pm. My pure Explosive/Heavy Weapons character completely obliterates them with 3-4 40mm grenades, and those 3-4 40mm grenades just wiped the floor clean of 3 MK3 Robo-scorpions just now. I say thats a great trade dont you think so? And from what I understood, Mercy is part of your build yes? Then rejoice.However, I advise you that you take Heave Ho!


For Mercy, as well as the demo expert perks and Splash Damage, these three perks make Mercy the Ultimate killing machine.Posts: 3528 Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:16 pm. There's a simple trick to meleeing RadScorpions, mechanical or otherwise. They have a powerful but slow attack so get in close do an attack or two then back away quick before they can land a hit. Even with minimal Melee skill you can chip away at rad scorpion till it's dead like this. With high melee skill and the Superslam perk it's even easier.One exception to this rule of thumb are the Giant Rad Scorpions that have such a long attack range that you can't get away fast enough from them.Posts: 3385 Joined: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:27 am. There's a simple trick to meleeing RadScorpions, mechanical or otherwise.

Fallout new vegas scorpion gulch location

Torres Pistols

They have a powerful but slow attack so get in close do an attack or two then back away quick before they can land a hit. Even with minimal Melee skill you can chip away at rad scorpion till it's dead like this. With high melee skill and the Superslam perk it's even easier.One exception to this rule of thumb are the Giant Rad Scorpions that have such a long attack range that you can't get away fast enough from them.Posts: 3357 Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:32 am. To add to the above, scorpions have a relatively slow turning circle and their strongest attacks can only be performed to enemies directly in front of them. You can use this to your advantage by continuously circling them, always making sure you stay just ahead of their claws in the circle regardless of which direction you're circling, while you beat them to death using a long reach melee weapon. I cleared Scorpion Gulch and the valley north of Goodsprings at level 3 on VH/hardcoe using just a baseball bat.Posts: 3567 Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:36 pm.

Fallout New Vegas Scorpion Gulch Laser Pistol

Infinite Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle CapsFast travel into Scorpion Gulch and find the wastelander who is either already dead or about to get attacked by Bark Scorpions. If he is alive wait until the scorpions have killed him and then search the body for a 'Sunset Sarsaprilla Star Bottle Cap'. Fast travel to Novac and wait three days, then fast travel back to Scorpion Gulch and repeat the process. The wastelander will always have a star cap on him whether he is alive or dead and you can keep repeating the process until you have gained the 50 caps which are needed for the 'The Legend of the Star' side quest.

Fallout New Vegas Scorpion Gulch